
Sunday, August 19, 2012


I pulled a weed today.  I watched a hummingbird syphon honey from a lovely purple flower.  I felt brilliant sunshine wash over me as I gazed into an ocean-blue sky.  I heard my daughter’s voice on the telephone.  Today I moved with little pain.  A good friend sent me a text to check on me.  I read a good book.  A tree next to my patio provided me shade.  I cooked a good meal.  I learned a new word.  I wrote a poem.  An old friend showed up on Facebook. Someone smiled at me.  I am thankful.  God is good!

I sit today anticipating a “bucket list” dream that I’ve had since I was 17 – preparing for two college courses at Mesa Community College that begin in two days.  Excitement, fear, and trepidation live in my being at the thought.  Life got in the way of my dream to obtain a college degree.  The opportunity is now here – years later.  I am thankful.  God is good!

As I mature and come to the latter phase of my life, trivial annoyances and disappointments are filed away in a “Miscellaneous” folder and ultimately forgotten.  Each day given by God challenges us to bring His blessings to the forefront and to dismiss the past bumps and curves of life as interesting, educational, but now gone.  Today is new; today is fresh; today is glorious.
I am thankful.  God is good!

God loves us so much that He continually rains blessings down on His children.  We become caught up in busyness, obligations, responsibilities - inured to God’s gifts of roses and sunshine and hummingbirds and grandchildren, our bodies, friends, smiles, family, books, and poems.  The old adage of “stop and smell the roses” compels each of us to open our souls to God, His blessings, His plan for our lives.  After all, God created the roses.  He gave us life.  He gave His only Son to die for our sins; we are free from condemnation.  I am thankful.  God is good!

Would I like to win the lottery?  Oh yeah.  But a video-chat from my grandson pointing out a vacancy where his baby tooth used to be?  A much greater blessing.  And the greatest blessing of all is God’s assurance of everlasting life with Him in heaven.  I am thankful.  God is good!

 “Because of the LORD’S great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22, 23

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