
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Suddenly Summer

                It’s suddenly summer in Arizona!  We had a week (perhaps) of winter, and now, suddenly, 83-89 degrees!  Well, I’m lovin’ it! Isn’t it the same when we become a new Christian? Or even an “old” one? With Christ’s love shining down on us every day, our soul, heart and mind experiences the “suddenly summer” syndrome of warmth, light, faith and renewal.
                Without Christ, there is the blustery, bone-chilling cold of winter with no escape – the soul can never become warm and toasty and content. There is a hole of ice, perhaps not so evident in daily life, but in moments of solitude, the cold seeps in and numbs the heart and spirit. No artificial heat can suffice for Christ’s “suddenly summer” warmth and power of the “Son.”
                I feel sad for my family in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and others throughout most of our country who have suffered so much this winter. I almost feel guilty for living in Arizona and enjoying the moderate temperatures of winter here. But I know my family has the “suddenly summer” of God’s love in their hearts. THAT warms ME! I am so very grateful for that knowledge. But my sadness expands to the souls who do not believe and do not accept God’s love and forgiveness in their lives – the faithless whom we must pray for continually, that they, too may experience God’s “suddenly summer” love and protection.
                Warmth denotes so many images: a family gathered together after a separation; the upward look of a child as he/she grabs hold of your hand; encountering a group of fire fighters or EMTs in a grocery store – telling them “thank you” for all you do for us and the look of amazement on their faces at the unexpected acknowledgement; someone holding a door open for you; and most of all, the image of Christ on the cross taking our burdens, cares and sins with Him as He gives up His life for us all.
                “Suddenly summer” in February may be too warm for some folks, but for me, I say, “bring it on!” And bring on the love of Christ every morning as we awake to the brilliant sunshine of Christ’s love.

“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
He who has ears, let him hear.” Matthew 13:43

February - The Month of Love

            February is the month of love, with Valentine’s Day on February 14.  But knowing the love of Christ, every month is the month of love.  He loves us every month, every day, every minute, every second, every nano-second.  How assuring is that!  We don’t have to wait for Valentine’s Day or any other holiday to feel the love of God.
I have never felt His love as much as I have in this adventure I have embarked upon – going to college at the age of 71.  Fear was my first emotion when considering pursuing my degree that I was not able to obtain when I was young.  Could I do it?  Was I too old?  Would my brain still work?  Would I be accepted by the young college “pups”?  Would my professors take me seriously?  I have never prayed so hard for God’s answer to all these questions.  Know what he said?  He said, “Go for it!   I am with you every step of the way.”
And He has been true to His word, as always.  Every morning, I pray that I can hold my own, apply myself, work hard and succeed.  And every day, I feel Him beside me as I trudge the campus, do my homework, and get one step closer to my life-long dream.  He never fails me.  And He never will.
God’s love it so awesome that we cannot even fathom the depth or breadth of it.  I think of His love as the ocean that I love so much – it seems to stretch to eternity.  However, the ocean goes on and on but is every changing, ever new.  God’s love is never changing, and yet is ever new, as well as being as old as time itself.  It has always been there and will always be there.  We have only to seek it, feel it and rely on it.  When we feel most alone, overwhelmed (as I often am with my studies), or are contemplating which road to take in our lives, He loves and directs us with a gentle hand.  Blessed assurance, for sure!
We must also return that love, through prayer, through quiet contemplation, with a listening ear to His whisperings, and with daily conversations with Him.  Love means opening our hearts and our souls – not just during the month of love, but every day He allows us to remain on this earth.

“…but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in Him.”  Psalm 32:10b