I’ve had a giant lesson in humility the past four weeks. I witnessed several miracles which changed my perspective. Some of you may know about the little hummingbird who built a tiny nest on a very small cross wind chime hanging on my patio. I have bigger wind chimes hanging there, but she chose the cross. Fascinating to watch, she would bring little bits of things, poke them in place with her beak and then tamp them down with her feet. When the nest was built, about 3 feet from my French doors leading to the patio, she would sit in the nest. I talked to her all the time and she became so tame, she didn’t flinch or move when I opened or closed the patio doors.
She sat there many days and nights, barely moving. Two days ago, two tiny little beaks peeked out of the nest. The Mama now sits on the edge of the nest and tends to her babies. Too little to chirp or fly yet, their little raw pink necks stretch out for her.
Witnessing this, I felt God in the process and I was humbled. Why do I worry so about external things? Why do I fuss and fume and search for answers? God is IN everything! (Proverbs 3:5-6) This little bird selected a tiny cross on which to build her nest. She trusted me, a great big human seated not far from her, to not destroy her nest or cause her harm as she laid her precious little eggs. The lesson here is…take it to the cross! There is no reason to fear life if our foundation is the cross. God is big and we are small, but He will protect our “nests,” our beings, our life if we have even the trust of this tiny little hummingbird, the faith of a mustard seed. (Matthew 17:20)
I have wept watching this little bird trust me enough to build a nest before my very eyes, so close to me, to sit there day after day, unafraid and patient, and then to feed those miniscule little upturned beaks. I know that if God cares for birds such as these, He cares for me so much more. (Philippians 4:19)
In the quiet of my patio, talking gently to this little bird, I am overcome with the love that God has for me, for you, for this little new family of birds, through the cross that He died on to save us. I feel privileged to have witnessed this miracle.
“Look at the birds of the air….and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Matthew 6:2