
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Next in Line for Heaven

My Mom passed away on March 9, 2009, in Wisconsin at the age of 84. Having lost my Dad many years ago and my step-dad 3 years ago, the bone-jarring realization that I’m next in line for heaven hit me hard. I no longer have the buffer of a parent between me and eternity.

Sobering, yes. Frightening? No. There is nothing to fear, knowing, as I said at my Mom’s memorial service, that Jesus Christ, having died on the cross for our sins, promises us eternal life with Him if we but believe. And I do believe.

Losing all three parents does, however, leave me feeling somewhat vulnerable. It’s like – oh my! I’m on my own, truly now. I really have to be a grown-up! That child-like fear comes over me and I get butterflies in my stomach. I have flashbacks of being lost at the county fair, seeking desperately the familiar faces of my parents. The terror was real. And then, there they were, holding out their hands to me, tears streaming down all of our faces. I ran to them, was enfolded in their arms. I never wanted them to let me go. And now it’s really difficult to finally let them go.

But that’s how it will be when God calls me home, in His own time. There may be a short time of fear when death calls, but it will end quickly when I see Jesus’ arms reaching out to me. I will run toward Him and He will enfold me in His arms. I will be home.

“If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” John 14:23