How important to you is music? Can you imagine a life without it? From the time a little one bops his chubby hands in the air in time to a Sesame Street ditty to our favorite hymn as we grow older, music “doth soothe the savage beast,” as the saying goes.
Whether you sing flat or sharp, off key or on, there is music in all of our souls, put there, I believe, to worship our God when common prayers might not seem enough. Many of my prayers are songs to Christ, such as “Jesus Messiah” sung under my breath around the house. “Your Grace is Enough” comes into my soul when I am stressed or worried. It’s “All Because of Jesus” that helps me thank him for my life – not only my physical life but my eternal life in him. “Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone” reminds me of all the earthly cares, resentments and sorrows that held me back from a carefree, forgiven life in the Lord. “Today is the Day” reminds me to give God thanks for this day that he has made – and rejoice in it!
Music lifts the mundane, monotone cadence of conversation to phrases that are lilting, light on the air, rising and floating above, touching others as they move upward towards our Maker. We worship, perhaps through music, as God meant us to worship, with a smile on our face, our hands uplifted, our hearts light and free and thankful.
Watch a little child twirl and jump and spin in delight in an attempt to dance to music heard or imagined. There is no frown on the little face; there is no pretense; there is no mask; there is no attempt to conceal glee. So should music affect us as we worship our Lord.
Music can be the most effective and beautiful method of praying and praising our God. It doesn’t have to be operatic, it doesn’t have to have great musicality, it doesn’t have to be backed up by strings and reeds and keyboards. Singing is a no-fail boast from worry, consternation, problems, depression, home-sickness. It’s a cure-all! No prescription needed.
Many of the songs our church praise band has been and is now performing at the Contemporary 10:50am service can be heard and learned on KLOVE. Turn it on some day when you’re dusting. Sing along and then you’ve got a head-start when you hear it sung in church. No excuse then for not belting it out, whether you’re on-key or not! An honor to our God even as the first song of David was to honor the Lord. Thank you, God, for music.
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:19-20