Spring is a time of renewal -- green spouts, flowering plants, and pleasant days. Following Easter, the ultimate renewal of Jesus Christ our Savior who was raised from the dead, my thoughts have turned to; “How did He do that?” Raised on a farm, I have a deep connection to growing things. About a week ago, a friend of mine helped me plant some herbs in my flowerbed-edged patio. I also planted some flower seeds and plants, loving the smell of overturned dirt and the sight of fragile, tender seedlings. All the while, I’m thinking, “How did He create the amazing variety of fruits, vegetables, plants, grass, flowers, trees, birds, snowflakes, people?”
I peeled an onion tonight and marveled at the layers upon layers of translucent skin. I saw my flower seeds peeking through the ground today. I planted dried up, brownish balls of nothing – now new, tender, green shoots that will blossom into riotous colors all summer. How did He do that?
My computer screensaver, to my delight, automatically pages through stored pictures of my children, siblings, and grandchildren. They all have two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth and yet they were created separately, individually. No one looks alike. If I took a piece of paper and drew a face, placed two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth, I can assure you they would all look basically the same. Not so with God. How does He do that?
He does all of this majestically, powerfully, uniquely – because he is God. The radish is not at all like the broccoli; dill doesn’t resemble basil; pumpkins look nothing like limes; cucumbers can’t be mistaken for onions. A rose looks nothing like a petunia. And I don’t look at all like Raquel Welch. (Bummer!) Think about it! He is the Creator. He made this beautiful, awe-inspiring world for us. He then gave us the ultimate gift -- He sacrificed His Son for us and raised Him from the dead, defeating death forever. Look around you today. Notice our world. If this world has beauty, try to imagine what His heaven is like. Then we might say, “How did He do this?” We’ll someday see His face -- and we’ll know.
“For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible….all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. ” Colossians 1:16, 17