I recently experienced the feeling of homecoming when I visited my oldest son and his family. Seeing their faces as I stepped down from the shuttle from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, New Mexico, was so joyous, I could hardly keep it all in. Hugs and kisses and smiles, yes, and tears - but it was so, so wonderful. I recalled little nuances about my son’s facial features, his eyes, his smile that had grown dim. The same is true when I visit my loved ones in Wisconsin. New delights arise with each conversation, each shared experience. Memories are stored away until the next rejoining. Hearts overflow with love and happiness. And then the agony of saying goodbye; one last hug, one last stroke of the shoulder, one last look from the window.
We’ve all been separated from loved ones through geography or the worst kind of separation – death. We heal from these losses with the help of our Lord and time, but etched in our hearts is that loved one’s smile and personality “tics” that are unique and individual. Memories come to us unaided by conscious thought – they just appear, making us smile and yes, sometimes shed a tear. A certain walk, a turn of the head, a twinkle in the eyes brings it all back.
I think heaven must be like that. I believe we will recognize those loved ones in heaven by those characteristics that we so fondly remember as we live here below. And when we join them, what a homecoming it will be! There will be kisses, hugs, (no tears this time) – only joy, the heart-filling ecstasy of an eternal reunion with no more separations. There will be unending singing and music and lights and colors and dancing and conversations and finally, understanding of the meaning of our lives here on earth – and no more sad goodbyes. Our joy will know no containment, it will be evermore and unending. What glory with Jesus our Lord on high!
When the holy angels meet us
As we join their happy band,
We shall know the friends that greet us
In that glorious spirit-land.
We shall see the same eyes shining
On us as in days of yore.
We shall feel the dear arms twining
Fondly, round us as before.
Author unknown.
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12