I just moved into a new place – with God’s help. Several weeks ago, I learned that the condo I had been renting for five years was being put up for sale. I inwardly (AND outwardly) groaned since it meant I would have to look for another place to live. I went into work the next day and told my co-worker, Lyn, about it. I was a little stressed, thinking of searching in the papers, the Internet, etc. for apartments to rent. That night, I told God, “I just can’t deal with this, Lord. You’ll have to take care of it for me.” And I meant it. I didn't think about it again. The next day at work, Lyn handed me a typewritten “spec” sheet on a townhouse for rent. That morning, the owner of a townhouse had called the church asking if she knew of anyone needing to rent an apartment, wanting to rent to a Christian. Lyn said “yes,” told her about me, the lady came into church with the “spec” sheet and contact information. I called her, met with her and her husband, and I had a new home.
Now, can you tell me that God isn’t interested in every facet of our lives? That he doesn’t care about the “little things”? He absolutely does. He knew my energy level was low. He knew how much I hated having to look at apartments to rent. He fitted me with Christian owners, who had prayed for the right person to rent their apartment. He found the most beautiful apartment I have ever lived in. He worked out the financial details. He worked out the moving dates. He sent friends to help me move. He did it all – because He cares, because He loves me so much!
This situation was "so God," that it was impossible to think otherwise. I am humbled by the so evident hand of God in my “moving” experience. I praise Him every time I look around me. I did nothing except turn it over to Him. In three days, He worked it out. AND in three days, he worked out our salvation! Jesus died on the cross. Three days later he rose from the dead and our scarlet sins were washed as white as snow. I did not fail to recognize the parallel here.
He may not always work so quickly to answer our prayers. I have some prayers that are 25 years old and I’m still waiting for a favorable answer. But it’s the quick answers that give us the fortitude to keep praying, to know that God loves us and hears us, to know that He’s working – in His own time.
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” 1 John 5:14
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