A couple of weeks ago, the church copy machine went “ka-flooey.” Shut down completely. The culprit? A tiny little round metal speck smaller than a BB shattered some gears and like a chain reaction, damaged other necessary “thing-a-ma-jigs,” resulting in, “Huh-uh, not gonna do any more work right now, thank you very much.” As an office worker put it, “Amazing that something so infinitesimal could make such a huge impact.”
A life lesson for sure. My mind immediately went to a mustard seed. The Bible says if we even have an infinitesimal faith as small as a mustard seed, NOTHING will be impossible for us! An impact? Oh yes!
Conversely, a tiny seed of hate, anger, or resentment can erode our faith, our outlook on life, our hopes and dreams. I saw a quote that says, “The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present.” Anger can be the “BB” that cuts us down, unable to function in our daily lives and in our daily walk with God. Worry can also wreak havoc. God is BIGGER than anger or worry. He’s the “repairman” of our souls. Let it go – trade in the troublesome “BBs” for the mustard seed of faith. It will sprout and grow, choking out the weeds that threaten our beings. God is our gardener. He nourishes life itself and all things good. He surely can erase and heal the tiny detrimental specks we hold on to that will lead us away from Him.
A person who refuses to forgive, to see another’s viewpoint or to make the first move toward reconciliation is called “small.” Another “BB” clogging up healthy relationships. Can we be big enough to release resentment and blame? God continually forgives BIG sins and then forgets our black “BBs.” Can we not do the same?
Flowers bloom from tiny seeds, some babies can be held in the palm of a hand, hummingbirds delight us, a lock of a child’s hair in a baby book – small things that expand our hearts and fill us with wonder. Their genesis? God himself. Our BIG God who loves us with a largess we cannot comprehend. Lean on it, trust it; pull it over you as a warm family heirloom quilt. Small is good, small can be bad. The GREATNESS and love of God is only good, always.
“….If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
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