My California poppies are a brilliant profusion of yellow-orange blossoms – so beautiful! I’ve been noticing as they lift their heads to the day-long sunshine and bow their heads at the darkening evening. Need I say more? Such a simple analogy as to what we, as Christians, do, or should be doing.
Each day is such a gift from God – a new beginning, a new chance to live life doing His will. As my poppies do and as Christians, we lift up our heads to praise God as the sun rises; bow our heads in prayer in the evening. But are we looking upwards to our heavenly Father all the day long – the day that He gives us? Or do we lag somewhere past noon; drag our heads downward by grumbling about our work loads, our finances, our aches and pains?
Lifting our heads up, can we make another’s day brighter by a helpful act of kindness, a simple smile, or caring concern? Can we witness our faith and help to turn another’s face upward in worship and salvation? How about erasing those frown lines between the eyebrows, making a conscious effort to replace them with laugh lines around the mouth instead? So much more attractive!
Many wonders of nature lift their heads to the sky above. Have you never noticed? Notice now. Trees, grass, flowers, even weeds! Birds trill their songs with their throats stretched, heads up. Lizards raise their heads as they sun themselves. Aren’t we “perkier” when the sun shines as opposed to a gloomy, cloudy day? How have we missed this lesson demonstrated daily before our very eyes? Maybe that’s why God placed our heads on top of our bodies – so we could lift them up to Him! He plans our days, He plans our lives. How can we not look upward to discern what that plan is for us daily and throughout our lives?
When evening comes, we rightfully bow our heads in prayer, giving thanks to our Father – for daily bread, for health, for children, for forgiveness, for a life to come with Him in heaven. We ask His guidance for the coming day when we can once again lift up our heads in praise to our heavenly Father. My poppies are so wise. They not only give me immeasurable pleasure by their beauty. Observing their raised heads throughout the day, their bowed heads at eventide, my Savior speaks a lesson to me. Will you also learn from my poppies?
“Lift up your heads, you mighty gates!
Behold the King of glory waits,
The King of kings is drawing near
The Savior of the world is here.
He brings salvation down to earth
Greet him with shouts of holy mirth
Our highest praise we bring,
Our God, Creator, King.”
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