Life is fragile. I am so aware of that following the most recent life-threatening medical emergency with my sister, Cookie. She’s come through many serious illnesses and complications of her blood disease, but the last one could have been her last – and very nearly was.
I’m asking you to do something for Cookie. Place a hand on your chest. Hold your hand under your nose to feel your breath. Take your pulse. Your heartbeat, your every breath, your blood flowing through your veins – all gifts from God. Do we think about that very often? I do every time my sister is sick, but not often at other times. No one needs to be obsessive about this, but think about it. Each breath we draw, each beat of our heart, God ordains. We don’t know when these life-giving cycles will end. But shouldn’t we thank Him for them as we live our lives? I think we should.
Our bodies are temples for our souls. Things go wrong from time-to-time. We ache, we bleed, and we suffer – all part of life. But our bodies are marvelous things, really. God created us so perfectly. Yes, in different sizes, shapes, colors, forms. But wonderfully! Sometimes we just wear out and wear down as in Cookie’s case. And yet I marvel at how she smiles, she laughs, she looks to the future with hope, thanking God for the things that DO work!
Life is amazing – not to be taken lightly. Waking up each day is a gift (I know – that’s why they call it the “present”!) I saw my doctor today and felt my blood beating as the assistant took my pressure. And I thanked God. We sometimes take time to “smell the roses,” marvel at a hummingbird, become overwhelmed looking into the face of a child. Take time today to marvel at your Maker’s creation – YOU! Because He loves us so, He made us in His image. And it is perfection. Our time on earth is limited. Enjoy the beat of your heart when you’re pumping that Stairmaster, take pause at your breath on a mirror. You are experiencing life itself – so very precious. Take time to thank and praise your Maker – our Lord God Almighty – for life, for breath, for living.
“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7
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